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10 Tips for A Fun and Safe Road Trip Throughout Europe

A road trip is one of the best ways to see the country. You can go to multiple destinations in a short amount of time while discovering hidden gems along the way. The time spent driving is also part of the fun, which is certainly not the case when flying! But the line between a successful road trip and a disaster is thin. There are so many things that can go wrong, including breakdowns due to negligence, accommodation scheduled for the wrong dates, frustrating travel partners, and more. But trust us, we got your back! In order to make sure you have the most successful road trip, we have gathered the 10 most important things to consider when planning your road trip to Europe. Let’s go!

#1 Organize your trip with online tools

Since you’re going to be staying in different accommodation every few days at least, there is a lot that can go wrong. From mistakenly booking a further destination first, to double booking in the same area. It’s recommended to sort out and plan your itinerary with tools that give you a good visual of your trip and help you book it easily like RoutePerfect or get your public transportation figured out with Rome2Rio.

#2 Need to get rid of a Nonrefundable room you cannot cancel?

Roomer provide a great platform on which you can buy reservations from people who can’t use theirs and you can also use their “hotel-marketplace” to sell your own reservations that you have to cancel – which can easily happen if your car breaks down, you want to stay longer in a specific location, for example in one of the spectacular places on your Portugal road trip or simply had a change of heart on your itinerary after it was booked.

#3 Roadworthy your car and bring spare keys

Take your car in for a thorough check to make sure it’s not about to break down. If there’s anything wrong – even the smallest thing – get it sorted out before leaving. Since you’re driving long distances, there are ample opportunities for that small problem to become a big one. There are also ample opportunities to lose your keys, and if you don’t have spares, you’ll end up spending time and money on a locksmith, time that will be better used enjoying your trip!

#4 Bring an electricity power inverter

No matter how idealistic your idea of a road trip may be, you’re going to need your phone and other electronics on occasion. An electricity power inverter takes the charge from your car’s battery and uses it to power your small devices.

#5 Check-in for safety

You’re going to be on the move all the time, meaning that if something happens, others may not be able to find you and come to your assistance. Use Facebook to check in, or simply text a close relative or friend on a regular basis, so that they have an idea of where you are in the world.

#6 Don’t put your feet on the dashboard

we know, it might sound weird, bus If you’re the passenger, this may be your preferred travel position. And you may think it’s just fine as long as the driver or other passengers don’t mind. But putting your feet on the dashboard can actually be pretty dangerous. In the event of an accident, airbags may deploy at high speed (220 mph), knocking your knees into your face and chest. This can cause permanent damage.

#7 Plan enough breaks

Driving tired is one of the most hazardous things you could do an Italy road trip, especially on those tiny little country roads, which are very dangerous to those not familiar with the routes. Over 100 000 deaths each year are caused by driving tired. When you’re going long distances, take breaks every 2 hours, and alternate drivers if you can. But your preparation should account for more than just 20-minute breaks. If you plan on traveling daily or having a particularly active trip, schedule in the occasional day off, just to relax and brush off some of the fatigue.

Young hipster friends on road trip on a summers day

#8 Budget for the unexpected

You may be on a tight budget, but make sure it’s not too tight. You’re almost certainly going to go over budget, as you realize how optimistic you were beforehand. But, most importantly, you must have money available in case of emergency. A lot can go wrong on a road trip, and emergencies are much worse when you don’t have funds to deal with them. If you plan your vacation ahead it can help reduce costs and keep you on track money wise.

#9 Flexibility is key

Don’t over-plan. Firstly, if your schedule is too rigid, you won’t be able to adapt when something inevitably falls out of place. Secondly, one of the great advantages of a France road trip is the possibility of “getting lost” in those little country places in Provence, for example.Taking the highway will get you to your destination quicker, but remember that the journey is as important a part of the adventure. With GPS available on most of our devices, we’ll never get too lost, so put it aside for a while and see where the road takes you.

#10 Free up space on your phone or camera

Finally, remember that you’re going to want to take photos of everything along the way. High quality photos take up a lot of space on whatever device you’re using. Either free up the space beforehand, or transfer your pics of the day onto a laptop before you go to sleep for the night. you will want planty of room for all that amazing scenery!

Drive safe and responsibly and remember to bring along a positive attitude!

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next Spain road trip!



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