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solo travel

The 10 Most Magical Small Towns for your Trip to Germany

Hip, cool, medieval, historic – Germany is a lively country that is rich in culture and truly has it all. Alongside its vibrant big cities, there are small towns in Germany which are picturesque and chock full of romance and beautiful scenery. Are you ready to explore these magical towns?…

The 10 Most Charming Small Towns in England

When you think of small towns in England, you are immediately transported into a different world, where the air is crisp and fresh, the hills glisten around you in lush green, and little cozy cottages are scattered around. Well, guess what? This isn’t a dream! England is home to charming…

The Art of Packing Light for Your Trip to Europe

You have no idea how many times I have gone on a trip to Europe, arrived at my destination, looked in my suitcase, and immediately thought to myself, why did I pack that? The most satisfying feeling is being able to pack everything you need in a carry-on and breeze…

How to Plan a Trip with Routeperfect

Planning your Perfect Trip: How to Plan a Trip with Routeperfect Where to begin? Going on a trip is always exciting, but what is the best way to ensure that you make the most of every moment of your trip? Plan, plan plan! Your trip will be so much better if…

8 Countries in 7 Days – Use our Vacation Planner

Cramming as many countries into your trip as possible is not always the best idea. When you want to see too much, sometimes you end up missing some very important things. However, it is possible to see many countries in a small amount of time if you do it right.…

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