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Tapas in Spain – We Have You Covered!

Routeperfect’s Guide to Tapas In Spain 

As I set out to plan my trip to Spain, one of the many things I got excited about was the food! Each city in Spain boasts its own unique cuisine and signature tapas. Here is our guide to the most amazing tapas in Spain – Salute!

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Tapas from spain varied mix of most popular tapa mediterranean food

First, let’s start with this: What does “tapas” mean? And, what are tapas in Spain?

The literal meaning of “tapa” is “cover” or “lid.” Bartenders across Spain insisted that the first tapa was simply a hunk of bread placed under a covering to keep flies out. Tapas in Spain are based on simple methods and imaginative use of seasonal vegetables and local ingredients. They are hearty and unpretentious, with fresh ingredients, robust flavors, and simple recipes.

As tapas developed, they became more elaborate, with each region developing their own specialties. Just like every bar around Spain has its own personality, so do its tapas.

Popular itinerary for tapas in Spain:

Here are some famous places for tapas in Spain that we recommend on our 10-Day Tour of Tapas in Spain:

Best Tapas in Seville

Our tour of tapas in Spain begins with a visit to Seville. Located on the banks of the Guadalquivir River, Seville is a product of rich Moorish, medieval, and Roman history. According to legend, the mighty Hercules founded the city, and it is a wonder city to wander through. The Moorish palace of Alcazar was built in the 14th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I was amazed at the beauty of Seville and planned plenty of time to see the sights.

Following the recommendations of locals in Seville, my first stop was at Tradevo De Mar. This delightful place lived up to the recommendations, and it has a wonderful selection of creative seafood dishes and tapas with unusual flavors. Each and every item was incredibly fresh.

The next place I visited was another local favorite, Az Zait. Not only is the presentation at this restaurant unique, but the food is amazing! I highly recommend booking in advance to make sure you have the chance to try some of the best tapas in Seville.

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Plaza de Espana, Seville

Tapas Tour Granada

The next stop on our tour of tapas in Spain is Granada. This city is known for its awe-inspiring Alhambra Palace and Fortress, a gorgeous example of the city’s Moorish heritage. The Alhambra Palace Complex includes summer palaces, gardens and fountains, and it stands tall on a mountain range, overlooking Granada.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my travels was finding bars with amazing tapas, great atmosphere and drinks – and Granada did not disappoint.

When it came time to plan my trip to Spain, I knew I had to make sure to visit Granada’s highly recommended Poe Tapas Bar. This budget friendly bar also has great tapas options for vegetarians. I highly recommend you go early to avoid waiting as this is a popular place for locals and tourists alike. My personal recommendations are the spicy pork stew and spicy chicken in Thai sauce.

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Panorama of Moorish palace and fortress complex Alhambra with Comares Tower, Alcazaba, Palacios Nazaries and Palace of Charles V during evening blue hour in Granada, Andalusia, Spain

Tapas San Sebastian

San Sebastian is known for its gorgeous beaches, including Playa de la Concha and Playa de Ondarreta. The city is nestled in Spain’s mountainous Basque Country. The Old Quarter’s narrow winding streets are lined with bars and restaurants. After exploring the Old Quarter, check out the modern city, where you’ll find plenty of sidewalk cafes.

My first stop in San Sebastian is Borda Berri. They make everything on their menu to order, which helps them stand out.

Another one of my go-to stops is a local favorite, Gorriti. The place is underrated, unpretentious, small, and cozy. Stop by and experience the local vibe where the seafood tapas for lunch was among the best I ate on my tour of tapas in San Sebastian.

In Donostia, you might not remember all of the tapas bars you hit, but Txepetxa will stand out. The bartenders are friendly, the wine is delicious, and the tapas selection is varied and tasty. I’ll admit, I wasn’t the biggest anchovy fan before coming here and had never really eaten them on their own. But, Txepetxa changed that! Their seafood was fresh and delicious, and this restaurant is worth a visit!

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Ondarreta beach, on the back Igeldo hill, San Sebastian
Spanish tapas called pintxos of the Basque country

Do you have any other great spots for tapas? Let us know! We are always looking for new tips to share for a tapas holiday in Spain!

Learn more about Spain!

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