Plan & book your dream trip
RoutePerfect's Trip Planner
Here’s how it works:
Fill out the basics: Enter your trip details.
Discover your route: Explore our suggested Classic Itinerary as a solid starting point for your trip.
Customize your adventure: Adjust the itinerary to your preferences. Our algorithm-based optimizer will modify your route accordingly, or you can disable it to manually fine-tune your itinerary.
Explore your destinations: Dive deeper into each city with our detailed guides.
Uncover highlights: Explore our recommended must-see attractions and hidden gems.
Book your flights: Secure your flights directly through RoutePerfect.
Unlock perks: Register and become a RoutePerfect member.
Book with us and redeem free perks: Discover travel attractions and events between destinations as you drive with our GPS based app.
Arriving at a city? Get free audio guide and tour.
Curious about exploring other routes? RoutePerfect offers two additional ways to create your perfect itinerary:
Browse Popular Itineraries: Explore RoutePerfect’s extensive library of itineraries crafted by local travel experts. These tried-and-true routes offer recommended routes within and between cities. Once you've selected a Popular Itinerary, you can tweak it to fit your personal preferences.
Chat with our AI: Let our advanced AI create a fully customized route based on your unique preferences.
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Join RoutePerfect today to unlock all features and exclusive perks that will enhance your journey!