
Trip Planner - Dhaka

Create your perfect trip to Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Things to do in Dhaka

Top attractions in Dhaka

  • Historic Center, Dhaka
  • Lalbagh Fort, Dhaka
  • Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban (National Parliament House), Dhaka
  • Ahsan Manzil, Dhaka
  • Star Mosque, Dhaka
  • Baitul Mukarram National Mosque, Dhaka
  • Bangabandhu Memorial Museum, Dhaka
  • Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka
  • Drik Gallery, Dhaka
  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theater, Dhaka
  • Dhakeshwari Temple, Dhaka
  • Hatirjheel, Dhaka

Regions in Bangladesh

Popular Itineraries in Bangladesh

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